Sunday, September 07, 2003

Creativity, Comfort, Concern, and Christina

I called Ken up last night at the suggestion of my Creativity teacher. I was having trouble with the assignment and needed to bounce ideas and concerns off someone that would listen. Ken seemed like that person.

Apparently, Ken was really giddy because Jaime called him back. He sent her a letter that pretty much said in so many words that he likes her. She liked it. Ken said that his first date with her is going to be at that protest tomorrow at Vandy since President Dumb-butt (Bush) is going to be in town.

The whole evening I was hoping that while we walked around the Parthenon and Vandy I was hoping for some kind of input from Ken about what I could bring in for this assignment. We ended up getting off on so many tangents, it was rediculous! The good thing is I got a good idea as to what to bring in on Tuesday. Thank God I have a few more days to work on it.

I ended up spending the night at Ken's place because Brad was out for the weekend. It's only been two weeks, and I've already been over at his place three times and slept over twice! I have to say that that's fairly fast for me as far as friends go.

I think my co-dependent side of me is showing again. Either that or that side of me that is so lonely that he would give up his right arm, left leg, and his own mother for a companion. Either way, I'm starting to get uncomfortably close to Ken, and I know it. I found out that I made him uncomfortable a few times already. I need to back off. I got a good distraction for that now. It's called college work and assignment. All I have to occupy myself like crazy of nothing but it. He and Jaime can get as close as they want. In fact, I want them to be. They are cute together. I just want a friend I can be really close to again like what I had going for me before.

I'm looking for something I can't have again.

I didn't go to Food Not Bombs today. Ken warned me that the cops may give them trouble again since they don't want homeless people all over Riverfront Park. Something about tourism. Call me a pussy, but I don't want to get in trouble with the cops even though they can't do much of anything to what Food Not Bombs is doing. At least, I hope they can't do anything. That would suck if they end up doing something even thought I don't think they can. That's the last thing that should happen to a group of kids that come to together just to feed the homeless with no kind of alternate motive like they are doing it for church or some non-profit orginization. I mean, that's just wrong on so many levels! The funny thing is, I have this weird vision of all the homeless people banding together to protect the kids from the cops as they are getting arrested for some stupid reason that will more than likely be thrown out due to how rediculous it is. Okay, that was stupid, but what can I say?

Tomorrow I get to hang out with Chrisitina even if it is only in Art History. Yay! She's cool, and I want to hang out with her more... if I can, that is.

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