Sunday, September 28, 2003

Must.... Not... KILL... FAMILY!

You know how some artists are normally the ones that the family never understands? I feel like I'm one of those people.

While cleaning my paint palette, I used one half of the sink to soak it in. Everyone starts screaming how unsanitary it is as if we are being inspected by the FDA or something! It's just a damn sink! It's not even the half we use! And it's stainless steel!! You'd have to burn germs into it in order for anything to even stay in there after one rinse!

Then, because I had enough of everyone's complaining, I go and scrub what I can of the paint out of it. Mom gets all up an arms about how I'm using the wrong kind of sponge. The wrong kind of sponge?! What the fuck is she talking about?! She said I was using the one "we use for food." You read that right. I asked her in a smart ass tone because, quite frankly, I had enough of it, "What? Do you wash food with a sponge before you cook it?" She meant that it was the sponge for the dishes. Same deal with the sink, if you ask me. How the hell can the same sponge I use transfer lead or whatever it is from paint that makes it poisonous while she is cleaning with the same damn fucking sponge?!

I give up. I'm living in a house of nothing but Adrian Monks from USANetwork.

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