Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Culture vs. Cultured

Today was interesting.

In Drawing, we were suppose to have a model. The model never showed. Instead, we kept working on proportion.

During break when I was waiting on Jaime to go to the Frist Art Museum, Christina read me her essay about culture vs. circumstance. I couldn't help but relate on so many levels. I also felt sad for her, because I know what it's like to deal with similar things. How you keep being told that you are disrespectful to your parents even though you're just being your American self. That's the thing about Asian cultures. The older the age, the higher up you are on the higherarcy of respect. In America, that's not really the case sometimes in some families. Mix the two cultures together, and you get some nasty results.

At Frist, we apparently arrived late, because the tour had already start. Some of the highlights for me include seeing a Red Grooms work in person! It was like something out of pop up book, but still beautiful in every way. Other highlights for me were seeing a metallic representation of the back of a dollar bill and a fully functional salad bowl that looks like a radish. We'll be back Thursday to write a narrative on a piece that strikes our fancy.

I was talking to Christina during her five hour break. Her teacher loved her essay. I asked if anyone did "the good Christian thing and cry." Apparently not. I always love it when you hear someone else's pain and someone in the room cries. I hate it when I'm the one that ends up crying. I hate it even more if I'm the only one in the damn room too. Overall, though, I'm really glad that she got a real eye-opener out there even if it is a small class. I'm also glad that there is someone out there that I can relate to as far as how strict parents can be.

Damn my Asian background.

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