Saturday, July 26, 2003

Talking to my mom is never easy. Especially when it involves matters that I've brought up the other day with my dad. I always end up falling into a compromise with her. I'm such a momma's boy.

Anyway, the good news is that she understands and is willing to let me go. There are just a few things. I can't take my boxes. She wants to ship them when I'm on my feet. I intend to, however, come back for them myself once I'm on my feet... and maybe with my boyfriend if I have one by then. Sort of a "meet the parents" kind of thing. She also said that they (meaning dad and not herself) won't call Dan up. I think they are still miffed slightly about Dan not calling back and asking for them every time I'm on the phone with him. I don't know what I can do about that because every time he's talked to me, with the exception of a few times, it has been late in the evening when they are asleep. I could be sly and take advantage of their groggy state, but that would be evil. I'll run this by Dan.

Other than that, it looks like I have the green light.

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