Monday, July 07, 2003

I learned something last night.

I'm pathetic.

Whenever something bothers me, I obsess about something to keep my mind occupied so I can escape the problem. Apparently, that doesn't work all that well with fixing the problem to begin with. While I was trying to come up with the "perfect zoo" in Zoo Tycoon with the help from Wisco, everyone thought I had blew them off. Saying that was it. I didn't want to be friends any more.

Why in my right mind would I even think that let alone say that to them? Why would they think that? Because I was gone for a week? Apparently, yes, that is why. While I was trying to escape all my problems, I was really creating new ones that I didn't want. If it weren't for David calling me out last night, I would have a shit load of problems to deal with later. I owe David alot for doing that now.

Like I said, David called me out last night, so I talked to him. He was worried about me. He was the only one worried about me. He wanted to know what was going on, how I was feeling and everything. It wasn't one of our more cheerful chats to say the least. In fact, I pissed him off. I haven't done that to him since I made a wise crack about his hair. I feel bad. He was trying to help, and I made him feel like he was wasting his time. If only he knew that he didn't really waste his time. If only he knew what it was that he really did. Maybe he wouldn't be so pissed if he knew that he actually saved me from having more problems than I can handle in the future.

While David was off, James came on and started talking to me. He feels bad about how he wasn't there to stop things. He would tell everyone to stop trying to change me. Saying that I won't change unless I want to. Which is true. There are a few things I want to change, but how I'm going to go about it, I don't really know. This applies for almost everyone in the world. Unless they want to change, they won't. So where was James when what happened happened? Knowing my luck, he was probibly in my state doing a revival. That's what he does from time to time. That man loves the Lord. Key word being LOVE.

Jack then came on and started to bitch me out like only he could. I've been told that I have yet to hear how foul his mouth really is, althought I probibly wouldn't know about that given last night's bitching he gave me. He made me feel like shit. The verbal beating I got was probibly the eqivalent to whatever Dobby had to deal with with the Malfue or however you spell it. He said that even though I wasn't on for a week, he knew I was hurting and was pissed off at me that I didn't even talk to him for so long. He said the first chance he gets, he was going to hunt me down like a dog and make me tell him why I didn't talk to him for so long. He was that pissed at me. All the more why I'm greatful to David for doing what he did. Jack hunting me down like he would, knowing full well who he is and what he is capable of, would just cause so many problems in the future that I know I won't be able to handle.

So what do I do now?

Well, I packed up Zoo Tycoon along with all my other recent purchases. I can always go to their official site and get what I just downloaded again anyways and start over. That's one thing I like about this game. Unlike Roller Coaster Tycoon, you don't have to really save if you don't want to unless you are doing really well. You can always start from scratch. And having a site like Wisco's isn't a bad thing to have bookmarked either. Anyway, today, tonight, and probibly for the rest of my time here unless something happens, no more Zoo Tycoon. No more building exhibits for a Giant Panda or trying to breed T. Rexes or running a Dolphin show. No more trying to figure out if I have space for this or that. I am a little attatched to my saved game, so I'll upload all 2MBs of it into my Yahoo! Breifcase, but other than that, no more.


I have more important things to do than play video games all day.

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