Thursday, July 24, 2003

I just went through the most nerve wrecking event I could ever bring upon myself. No roller coaster, no horror movie, no anything can compare to this.

I actually sat down with my dad and told him my intentions. I told him what I want. I told him how I feel about being here. I told him how much I hate it here, how I knew something was wrong with me, how I'm not getting whatever it is that I got in Seattle here. I told him I wanted out. I told him that the only reason I applied to Watkins was to get them off my case. If I actually went, I wouldn't be happy. I know I wouldn't be happy, no matter how much I faked it. I told him that up in Seattle I was actually motivated to do things. Down here every time I step out that door and the reality hits as to where I am, I feel the motivation drop. I told him I want to go back to Seattle because there is something there I'm not getting here that is making me do things I never have done here.

It was obvious to anyone that he was disappointed. Shocked to say the least. Mad? Maybe.

One things for sure. It's not over yet. He's going to run this by my mom now.

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