Thursday, July 17, 2003

I'm tired.

Today we took my aunt to the Opryland hotel to look around the atrium. Despite everyone else's comments, I was able to find my way around without getting lost. Pretty good for someone that hasn't been there for two years now. We then took her to the OpryMills shopping mall. She started to buy post cards left and right. She also was looking for a baby t-shirt for my newborn nephew back in California. I don't think she found one.

When we got home, I was going to blog about this, but blogger was acting up. On top of that, my aunt needed to use the computer. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I found out that we were going to have dinner at the Wildhorse Saloon.

The Wildhorse was interesting to say the least. First off, we didn't have to pay a cover charge to get in. We just barely made it under the time when they wave the fee. The bad thing is the wait was more than what they told us. An hour? Felt more like an hour and a half. Dinner was nice. Good fries. The steaks are probibly the best, but since none of us are big steak eaters, we wouldn't know. We also got in two concerts at the Wildhorse as well. I had to get marked along with my sister and her boyfriend because we are all under 21. Like any of us are going to drink to begin with.

Final score for the day: Two marks on my hands that look like I'm about to be nailed to the cross. Two Mushroom Swiss burgers. Twenty bucks in profit.

Not bad, huh?

Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to do something uncharacteristic of me and go to bed early. I'm beat.

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