Friday, April 04, 2003

I knew I was in for it when the phone rang at 23:14 last night.

It was Dan. He was pissed! I swear, my heart was racing faster than it normally does when I'm just standing there scared. That's the kind of effect that guy has on me. What can I say? The phone call was short and to the point. Get your shit together or get off the pot. Cut out all the rediculous behavior that I've been doing for the last two days and make up my mind. Do I want to be a part of their circle or not? Well, duh, I do! It may not be what I want, but the truth of the matter is that without AIM, I have nothing! I won't have a chance to get what I want and that is to be with them. Unless I get my shit together and quit being such a butthead, I will be miserable for the rest of my life!

That was all I needed. With that, I popped open a new AIM name... after almost imeddiately going to the bathroom to shit.

What? Dan litterally scared the shit out of me!

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