Friday, April 11, 2003

Have you ever been put on hold for so long that you start to think the person on the other end forgot about you? I'm not talking about those phone calls where the person on the other end says "Please hold" and you are stuck listening to music that sounds like Kenny G and Yanni worked on it together. With those, all you have to do is hang up and call again. But have you ever been put on hold in a converstation between you and your friend over the phone or even over IMs to the point where it looks like they forgot about you? If it was in person, not only would that be rude, but at least you could remind them that you were in the area. I don't know whether it is just me being stupidly paranoid because the only person I actually talk to online acts like they don't want to talk to me but in reality is busy doing something or the need to have some kind of attention. I really hope it's just that anal part of me that wants attention.

All I know is that being put on hold for such a long time makes me wonder if they forgot about me. It makes me feel uncomfortable... especially after they put me on hold after I found out that I lost my head because I fucked up again with them. Then I feel REALLY uncomfortable.

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