Saturday, April 05, 2003

Damn, what a hellish time I've had the last 48 hours.

For starters, yesterday was an emotional roller coaster!

The night before/Early yesterday morning, James got really emotional. He got so angry that he got stupid. He got angry over the fact that he can't find a boyfriend. I kept trying to calm him down, but failed at every turn. That's when things got really fucked up. Wanting to end it all, James shot himself. The last I heard last night was from Russ. They were at the hospital. James was pronounced DOA. Then that was it. A sudden sign off. Leaving me on that noted started my day yesterday on a bad note. I was depressed, then angry, then lonely. Back to back emotions that were bad in every which way! Later that night while I was doing some computer tests, Dan called. In all honesty, I was expecting a call saying when a funeral was going to be. What I got was nothing short of amazing! It turned out that James missed! He couldn't even aim the gun right to kill himself! He got only a flesh wound and a broken spirit. Both of which could be healed with time and some "me" time. If only you can know what it was like to be releaved from all that grief. It felt so good that nothing could bother me from that point on!

Boy, was I wrong.

Okay, rewind a bit. During the day yesterday while I was going through emotions, my mother and I went back to Best Buy. It turned out they gave us a model with a faulty video card! Since it's been only about 4 days since we bought it, their policy was to replace it with an identical newer model from the back. We got the switch up and left. The thing is, we forgot about the hard drive. We had to reinstall EVERYTHING all over again! And when I say "we," I really mean me. So all day, here I was hooking up wires, reseting the cable modem, plugging in a new surge protector, reinstalling, reseting to see if it will boot up again, repeating that for every program. I got so frustrated at one point with all the reinstalling and reseting that I stopped once I was sure that the internet and AIM worked. Later that night when I cooled down, I put in everything but the scanner. Apparently WinXP doesn't recognize it. We had to install it with the CD that came with it.

Okay, now fast-forward to this morning. I woke up early and sick. I mean really sick. I felt like my eyes would not stop tearing and my nose would harden a snotball so big it would block my nasel passages. On top of that, my chest felt like my lungs were going to pop out of them like one of those Face-Huggers from the movie Aliens. It just made the task of installing the scanner just too hard to do. The good thing is that before I got out of bed, my mother found the missing installation CD for it. I booted that sucker up and followed the prompts. It turned out that we needed to use the USB cable instead of the big printer-like one. Hey, we have 6 USB ports. One shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, only if you can't find the cable. The first thing that came to mind was to look in the box the scanner came in with. That was stupid, because my mother had stuffed the box with burlap and sea shells for some art project that has yet to be. The cable ended up being in our wire drawer in the entertainment center. All would be cool if it weren't for the fact that WinXP still didn't read the scanner. Not sure what happened, I looked at troubleshotter. It turned out they don't know what happened either and suggested to call the maker for tech support. Mom didn't really want to call. I think she was afraid we would get charged. We noticed that there was a web site for tech help. We then filled out the form and waited. They said they would get back to us in an hour. That's when I popped in Contact while I waited. When I checked my mail, there was a reply exactly an hour after we sent our problem. It turns out that everything should work, but there is something wrong with how the scanner program's drivers were set up as far as USB compatability goes. We were using a scanner that wasn't WinXP compatible. Go figure, huh? After downloading a patch, everything started working the way they are suppose to. I made a restore point to make sure that nothing screws up. If it does, the restore point can send us back in time.

I think that my allergies are stronger now because I'm not as active as I used to be (moving around going to class to class, gym class, DDR, mall walking, etc.) or because there is more pollen in the air. In any event, today was murder on the eyes, nose, and lungs. The funny thing is that my dad's chili cleared my sinuses so fast that my runny nose is no longer a problem! Now that's good chili.

If only I can figure out why my lungs still feel like they are going to blow my chest open like a Face-Hugger.

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