Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Okay, even thought my extended family whom I have yet to meet cause a big ocean makes it difficult are more than likely already in the thick of it, today is the Filipino Independence Day.

To celebrate (if it can even be called that), the store is going to have a mock Fillipino Food Day. Mostly out of boredom and noticing that my sister won't have enough time to make the Babingka, I broke out all the ingrediances and made it myself. Today/Yesturday was boring anyway. I needed something to do, and this was somthing. My third batch, and I have yet to scew it up! I was debating on if I should make a second tray for myself since the one I made was going to the store. I mean, we did have another box of Rice Flour left, so why not? Maybe I'll do it again tomorrow or sometime later.

Besides, I don't think many people will be actually paying for those. My sister said that she is just going to have them out as samples. More than likely there will be something left for me to snack on. If not, I'll just make another tray.

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