Thursday, June 27, 2002

Last night proved interesting.

I learned that Bill's birthday is less than two months out (August 23), and that I have a nack for being a travel agent like mom said earlier when I was laying down the specks for the Animal Kingdom park. How do I know? Well, when I was talking to Bill about what I found out was new, I kind of got him so excited that he litterally wanted to go that moment last night. He's never been to a theme park, and I really want to spoil him. He wants to go there for his birthday. Hey, what better present is that then to go to the theme park for the first time in your life on your birthday?

Now I have a bigger, more ligitiment reason for leaving as early as possible. After we come back from Florida, I'm going to have to tell the folks that I need to leave before the 10th to make it in time to Bill's birthday party cause I'm invited. I know, that's 13 days prior, but I need that time. Besides, I'll just make him have his birthday earlier in my parents' eyes. They'll forget by next year anyway. It's not like he's their kid or anything.

Now my only worry right now is figuring out how to tell my folks to where they will understand I have to be there.

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