Friday, June 14, 2002

I was at the computer late one night when my sister had to go to a party (again) and I was to tend dinner with my parents to make them feel good. The catch was that I was going to see a movie with them and my sister after the party. My pick. We drop off my sister at her friends house. I believe the name Carson came into play. We then proceeded to some really fancy resturant where they offered us red wine with our invisible meal. Night became day rather fast, and then my father paid for the meal. On our way out, we saw two people I believe were Carson's parents. They looked rather upscaled. Rich. Like a pair of polititians. The wife made a comment about how their house was a mountainside when we said we were going to pick up my sister. Somehow, the house was closer than usual. Within walking distance. There was drumming from a drum set. When my sister came out, the drumming stoped. She wanted to show us something, so we followed her to the rock porch that was about 50 feet up that she scaled. We took the stairs. At the top, we were greeted by a black eagle. It just hopped over to each of us and gave a squawk like a dog would when sniffing out strangers. Then it flew off. My sister opened a doorway. I saw one of the most beautiful and darkest Gothic hallways I have ever seen. She said this was the "cool room." The moment I set foot in that room, something happened. Everything went gray. My vision became strobed. My sister continued to tell me to walk forward, look on the ground, look on the wall. I did as she told me to. The floor looked like it was still solid, but my legs kept sinking into it. The walls were changing into this gross and putred cave of body parts. My heart started racing. I was feeling scared. The deeper I walked, the more afraid I became. A few wondering souls passed us by. The more souls came, the more I lost track of where my sister was. I continued to walk forward, the hallway walls now papered with several arms and hands reaching out to me as if I was food. Then, as I continued to walk, the ceiling started to lower. I hunched over to avoid the disgusting rock formation that was over head. Suddenly, I was through the tunnel and in this room's upper balcony. My vision still gray, I looked around and saw a leg of a demon! The walls were no longer made of body parts and disgusting rock, but marble. I backed myself into a column/wall out of fear of the demon. Then in a Jabba the Hutt like voice, it said something. It spoke in Latin. I couldn't make out what it said, but it sounded like it was saying "You're soul is mine." Then it just walked off. My vision corrected itself and everything was in color again. My sister and my family were all around me. My sister said something along the lines of "Now this is the dumbass room" to which my mother quickly scolded her. It was fairly dumb. We were on the viewing balcony of some Disney-ish type set for a Christmas play of some kind. Stupid jokes were thrown out and no one laughed. At one point, I noticed my mother and my sister sitting together in each other's arms over the balcony railling. I tried to pull them over, but instead accedently sent them falling off the balcony. No one noticed they fell. I looked over the railing, paniced, to see if they were all right. My sister was the only one that came to her feet. I rushed down to the preformance floor as fast as I could. The show was still going on. I was in tears that I may have accedently killed my mother. Upon checking for a heart beat, I heard one and a soft yet really mad "I'm fine."

I woke up with a strange feeling from that dream. I feeling like that was more than just some dream. Like it was something I was suppose to see. Like someone was telling me something on a symbolic level. My eyes were wide open. I was fully alert.

The first words out of my mouth were, "What was that? Was it real?"

I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Something told me not to go back to sleep, that I had to blog this dream like it would help me get pass it so I can get to sleep. The thing is, as I was blogging the dream, halfway through it I started to wonder what exactly everything meant. I wonder what really happened when I was asleep. Was I really dead and traveling to Hell? Did I unconsiously sold my soul to Satan? What reason did I dream this dream?

Now, I'm scared.

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