Boy, what a day. Business and pleasure all in one day. Yes, they said that that kind of stuff isn't possible unless you are having an affair with your secritary, but hey, what do I know, right?
Today I got up early. My main goal for the day was to try and see if I could go and see
Lilo & Stitch. Sidetracked? You bet I was.
First, I was reminded to get some shorts for Florida since I don't have any that fit me. So I grew four mesly inches since I was 10 in the waist. So sue me. I didn't bother trying on any of the short at Wal-Mart. Mostly cause I knew they'd fit anyway. They are all 32's. If they didn't fit, they were all draw-strings as well. Except for one that had a funny belt that looked like it came off the shopping cart seat where you buckle in your toddler. Out of the corner of my eye, I found a nice looking Ahola shirt with an African print. If that made any sense to you, then you and me have something in common. After getting my shirt and shorts, I needed sandels. The ones I own are small, and the cork sole is getting eaten away by something. I didn't bother guessing my shoe size since I knew I haven't grown any since Freashmen year as far as my feet goes, so I just grabed the first thing that appealed to me. Ironically, I had this safari theme going with all my purchases. Hey, I'm going to be using it for the Animal Kingdom anyway.
After that, we had the idea to help dad at the store so we could go to Opry Mills for whatever reason. Well, at least I didn't have to ask. Everyone kind of knew already, which was odd. I would have thought they'd forget after the uhm-teenth time. Guess I'm finally getting some attention or something. Well, at least it was better than asking myself.
At Opry Mills, I was dropped off first to get in line to buy my ticket. Surprisingly, I was expecting there to be more families than there were really at the showing I was at. The whole row in front of me were adults only. Strange for a family movie let alone a Disney film.
Review of Lilo & Stitch
Now this was Disney at it's funniest. I loved Lilo and just how she was during the movie. I really connected with her. The strange one that has only herself as a friend. The dreamer that wants to have nothing more than someone that would love her and not run away. Stitch was just as adorible. I have to admit, when I first saw him, I thought that the Disney animators where on crack when they drew this six-armed, fluffy, big-eyed, blue alien with a high-pitched E.T.-ish voice. It's amazing how they make him so lovible in the movie. You can't help by go
"Awwww" a few times to yourself. One of the characters, David, reminded me of my cousin Micheal. He's an easy going surfer/firefighter. Now if only he was as lean as the David character. The comedy is very different. Quirky lines that only a 6-year-old could get away with, slap stick, even a few fast jokes that only adults would get. This one I can't wait to get on video... or DVD if I have one by then. (
Yeah, right.)
After the movie, typical me had to spend the remaning money on something. I had $4 left from the $6 matinee (
damn, have movie tickets gone up.), so what did I do? Well, Jillian's is right there, so I popped them in and played some DDR. I've become such a show off. I actually caused what was probibly my biggest crowd in my entire arcade playing history! Ok, so maybe it really wasn't as big as some crowds could get, but it was big enough for me to feel special. After my first game, I looked around at all the faces. Some smiling, some shocked, some questioning, all of them old parents. As I started to get off, I saw a group of teenagers my age range. James ran though my head. He said the next time I do that to find someone and start talking to them as best I could. I tried to get them to go on the machine, but they were all afraid they'd look like dorks after what I did. I was the bigger dork though. One of them had a mesh jersey on, and I could see his six pack abs. Hey, I have a thing for tone abs. It was distracting, but at least I talked some. I kind of feel like I only did half the job, but we all have to start somewhere, right?
Time was against me, and I had to play the good son and meet the family at the food court. About half way there, I ran into my sister who was off to Tower Records to find a CD. She found a CD and a formor gym classmate working there. I decided to see if mom would like to use the Hawaiian songs from the movie for her little tropicla/Survivor-themed payroll confress. I got the soundtrack there too. I showed her when we caught up with them. When we passed the Tiki Tilo on our way to the car, I found that I got the CD at Tower cheaper! I still wish I had the balls to buy the Lilo hula doll and the Stitch plushie. By this time I've already spent too much. I only had a couple of ones, some coins, and a $100 bill I didn't want to break out. Hey, I don't want to look like some Richie Rich kid.
Now, my sister wants burgers for dinner, everyone is too tired to cook. Thing is, as I'm blogging this, they are all asleep. Oh well.