Monday, March 01, 2004

Let the Countdown Begin!

Today starts my birth month. That's right! In four weeks and two days, I will be the big 2-1!

And I'm not looking forward to it.

Yeah, sorry for bring you up and then knocking you down with me.

I'm really not looking forward to turning 21. My family is probably going to give me this stupid speech about I should be doing this, that, and the other. The thing is they do not realize that I do not have the mental maturity to work, drive, or all the other responsibilities that come with becoming "legal again." Hell, I still want to find a way to live IN Walt Disney World!

In any event, for those of you out there that are curious about what I want for my birthday (READS: for those of you out there that know my home address), here's a mock list of what I want in no particular order or specification.
  1. Porn (Specifically the An American in Prague DVD and/or Lauderdale Strip DVD)
  2. School Tycoon (because I need a new vice in my life)
  3. Tickets to a three month stay at Walt Disney World (like that will happen)
  4. Art supplies (Really good ones too! Not the crappy kind from Wal-Mart!)
  5. Something Neopets related to decorate my room/add to my stuff toy collection
It's still an ever-growing list, mostly because I know better than to ask for things these days. I never get them unless I absolutely need them for, say, class or something of that nature.

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