Thursday, March 25, 2004

Too Funny To Be Real!

I just heard the funniest thing on the radio just now coming into school!

These two radio DJs are right now pulling the funniest experiment I have ever heard in my life!

Here's the set up.

A listener of theirs was pulled over for speeding. She wanted to see the radar gun to confirm what the officer said about her speeding. As a driver, she has the right to do this, but the officer refused to give it to her. The officer was a mean little so-and-so and handed her a ticket.

So, because they are "protecting their loyal listeners from getting tickets or into any accidents," three of their friends and one intern at the station are taking up all four lanes of the interstate inbound to Nashville on I-24. They are all going the posted speed limit on that stretch of interstate at the exact same time side by side to each other. And, dude! They are pissing off several THOUSANDS upon thousands of drivers that are going to be late to work!

There have been reports of people passing them on the shoulder, using the exit lanes to pass them. The intern reported that she has seen more birds than she has ever seen in her life! And we aren't talking the flying kind, mind you.

Is this illegal? Technically, they can be pulled over and ticketed for impeding traffic, but they are not! They are all going the speed limit! The law is on their side, no doubt about it!

Last I heard, "the blob of traffic" on that interstate has been backed up all the way to a car dealership about a good 3 hours away. That is, 3 hours if you are driving at 70 MPH (the posted speed limited).

Overall, the people that are pissed off are the ones not making any money, the ones that are late going into work (The DJs suggested that you tell your boss that you were going the speed limit as your excuse.), as well as the radio station's own traffic guy!

DUDE! This is an awesome experiment! I mean, Nashville has a new sheriff in town who is cracking down on people speeding and handing tickets left and right! He has got to be laughing at this right now if he got wind of what is going on! Like several people that have called in, this experiment of theirs is beautifully thought out and well executed! There is just no comparing!

More news will be reported once I have any more information. I am definitely keeping my eyes and ears out on this one!

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