Saturday, March 20, 2004

Could've, Would've, Didn't

So, despite me wanting to be lazy, my sister threatened me to go along. It would appear that next weekend, the family (excluding me because I don't want to) is going to Virginia to check out another college. This means no one will be able to take me to the museum or library.

So, I actually went today. I did my runs, and as is normally the case, I came up dry. I'll try again later.

I was originally going to do my 3-D assignment. Priority tells me to do this first because it is the one that is due first. I was suppose to right a two page essay of my observations of a 3-D piece. To take notes, I have to be standing in front of the piece with a questionnaire. Yes, that means I have to literally be at the piece.

My sister changed my mind when she was joking about how she didn't want me to go to the Frist. I didn't take it as a joke. I went ahead and changed my plan to doing my Drawing 2 and Art History.

While at the library, the children's wing had an art piece set up. It was a 3-D piece complete with a little folder talking about the artist. I didn't take notes.

For lunch, we had MacD's at Centennial Park. I then went into the Parthenon to see the newly gilded Athena statue.

Yes, in case you didn't get it, I had two very good opportunities to get my 3-D homework assignment dead and gone, but I did not have the notes with me that I needed to take.

It's thunder-storming now, and I need to get off before the lights go out.

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