Saturday, March 20, 2004

More Test Results!

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.

You are a Sorrowful Spirit.

The Good: It can only get better for you.

The Bad: You have a low self-image and life, to you, is meaningless. You're depressed and you feel alone; like there's nobody in this world that can make it all better again. Chances are, there isn't. Only you can decide when you're going to sop moping around and start finding things to be happy about!

Tip: Work on improving your attitude. This can be done by taking part in things you enjoy doing! You might find yourself a bit happier...

I've heard this one too many times for my own good, to be quite honest.

Take the Date quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.

You are a Caring Date!

You genuinely care about your date's welfare and feelings. You're probably the best date of them all! Go you.

This is so wrong. I suck, and I know it!

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