Thursday, August 22, 2002

Man, I'm still feeling the energy high as I'm typing this! It's so up there that I'm not even caring that I am typing this on a Mac!

So what happened to make me feel so awsome?

For starters, over the radio, I kept hearing that tonight will be Teen Night at Jillian's. They will feature top 40 music and unlimited games! Being a gamer, I had to see if this was for real or not. It also helped that the fact of the matter was that I was suppose to help load and unload and then re-load and re-unload stuff for my mom's entertainment night for the APA (American Payroll Association) at Gibson's Guitars. Well, that's in the same complex as Jillian's, so I bet you know where I headed once I got the chance.

Well, it turned out the advertisement was a bit too good to be true. When I found there was a $10 cover charge, I kind of felt reluctant to give up my only $50 seeing how I didn't have any smaller bills. Then I found out that since I don't meet the dress code, I couldn't go on the dance floor. Hey, that's cool with me. I was aiming at a different dance floor.

After getting my card, I really showed off and threw off everyone's game at DDR. Five rounds of the game paid off the card fast. I was really happy to see a nice size crowd of regular players, some of whom are rather cute. Still, given the experiance, it looked like I was the best of the ones playing. Well, not really the BEST, but close enough. I kept throwing off people's game with the Butterfly Spin, hopping around, hand jives, and anything else I could throw at them just to have fun! The highlight of my DDR unlimited play? I actually passed Paranoia with a C rating! The one song I kept failling I passed! FINALLY!

When I got tired (litterally) of DDR, I headed over to the pinball tables, Daytona USA, and the Star Wars Trilogy games. I suck at shooters. Playing DDR drained me of all of my adrenilan and I was partically dehydrated. That goodness water is free at the bar. I don't know what it was that possesd me to play House of the Dead (no pun intended), but I did. I really suck at it. I kept dying so fast that the wait time in the unlimited card prevented me from actually continuing!

All in all, I had a really great time. On the ride back, I heard stories about how everyone loved what my mom put together for the APA meeting. It looks as if my mother found a nack in the entertainment business, mainly in promotions and theming. Still, one thing was on my mind on the ride home.

Why is it I always have fun by myself? I mean, first DisneyQuest, then tonight. What's up with that?

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