Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Something Feels Off

Have you ever woken up in the morning only to feel like something is wrong, but you cannot place what? Well, that's what I did for the last hour. I laid in bed feeling like something was wrong, but I couldn't place what. I still can't, but I know it has something to do with my mind and the memories that are hidden within.

I dreamed about two people I haven't thought about, one for the last few days thanks to finding out how addictive RollerCoaster Tycoon once again and the other I haven't thought about since my Junior year in high school.

The first person was Dan. I didn't actually see him in my dream, but I saw his apartment. A very different set up than when I left him. It was cleaner, more organized, and the bathroom was part of the room's range island (which I believe was cool and I should ask one of the Interior Design students to give me a rough as to how the floor plan would work with that). Stranger still was the fact that in his bedroom was a small pet cockiteal. In the corner sat its cage in a paper bag, with only the pointy house-like top sticking out. The bird was rather tame, eating out of a flat dish of seeds without any paper around it for it to poop on (as if paper training birds were possible). I started to pet it for a while, and it just looked at me as if I as some petting zoo patron before going back to his dinner. Then Dan's answering machine went off, and I found out that apparently he has his own business and is partners with some person named Linda. Concluding that he wasn't going to be home for a while, I started to walk out of Dan's apartment, but was greeted at the door by an attractive African-American delivery boy. He said that he was there to deliver a couch and to fuck the owner of the apartment. I politely said I wasn't interested because I was going to be late for night classes.

The second person was Brian Allison. He was a strawberry blond/brunette skater raver that I knew and fell for during the worst part of my Sophomore year in high school. Yes, he was straight. I came across him in my dream while walking to class. All around me were students of different ethnic backgrounds, and out of the blue comes Brian. He was moody and sounding like he hated that I was even around him, telling me off by saying something along the line of how I should appreciate the diversity around me. Then two raver girls came out of nowhere and started chatting with him about a party.

The dream continued after that with the normal quirks of any dreams like being able to jump really high but unable to walk forward an inch. But, unlike a normal dream, I woke up feeling something was off.

Then I remembered that I needed to install a Suspended Monorail shuttle before trying to install a Dueling Flying Coaster. Hey, what can I say? I may be a poor artist that has very little money to create anything I really want to, but at least I know how to get my mind off my worries.