Tuesday, August 12, 2003

The more I think about it , the more I wonder. Is there anyone really out there for me? Is there someone out there that will just be so crazy about me that they would do anything, even something as insane as quit their job, to just get me? Does a person like that actually exist or is that just me being stupid again? In any event, all I know is that soon I'll be thrust into the social order again what with college coming around the bend. I wonder if there is anyone there that I will like. I wonder if there is anyone there that will like me. Will I be a social outcast again simply because I'm weird? Will I meet someone cool or will it be full of partiers? I was told art college people are very open minded and very flexable. I was alot told that artists tend to be a bit weirder than normal students, the kind of students that go to acedemic colleges and actually have a desk job instead of one that's underappreciated.

Do I really care or am I just talking out my ass again because my mind is bored from trying to get my mind off of things?

It's times like these I wish I had a life.

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