Monday, August 11, 2003

I'm taking a break from cleaning my room.

Yes, you read that right. I'm actually cleaning my room. Yes, by myself. Why? Well, I figured since I'm stuck here with no real chance of getting to move out, I might as well reset the room to how it once was. That alone is still going to provide me with a challenge.

I first started with my personal space. You know, my desk I never use, my poor excuse for a drawer. That area. It's kind of weird cleaning out my clothes. You tend to find things that don't fit you or that you forgot you wore at one time or another. I decided to get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit me. You'd be surprise how big a pile THAT was. The next thing I did was put my games back into my game drawer. I thought I had more games than I really had, but It's a nice surprise to see all the extra room. I looked into that iMac box at all the other things I have left to put in as far as my games go. I decided to take a break right now.

I have alot of wiring to do after my break is done. I'm going to hook myself back up to the TV... video-gamer speacking.

I still wish I had a Gameboy Advance SP.

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