Monday, August 25, 2003

The first day of school, and I'm already stressed.

First off, I arrived there early. Too early. The school wasn't even open yet! When the gates were finally opened, no one was really there. The teachers came in just little waves. One or two teachers at the most.

My 2D teacher was late. Not a good showing for the first day. My first class went by rather fast. It was rather interesting to say the least. I was being introduced to an element of design that I have never really sat down and messed with before, making the image unified. It's alot harder than I thought. It kind of freaked me out a bit, but in the end, it was a good learning experiance. It doesn't look like I'll have to take mych notes in this class, for some reason.

My next class was English. I know, I'm suppose to be going to an art school. Why am I taking English? Well, this class is suppose to help me be able to understand the way to write and type ideas and things on to paper effectively. Belive it or not, I'm doing one of my assignments right now. That's right, finally, this blog is good for something! A journal grade! The class itself was your standard English class for any college. A lot of reading, a lot writing, a lot of talking out loud. Two out the the three things I never really liked doing. The third I just got into the habit of doing. Take a wild guess which.

My last class for the day was Art History. I don't know what it is, but apparently in this letchure class, my teacher doesn't like to hear herself talk. My first thought was, "Isn't this a letchure class? Why doesn't she like hearing herself talk?" I shortly found out my reason. She likes to her us argue and debate and all that good stuff. Debate in Art History? Well, I guess that's what makes Watkins so different than any other art college. My only fear is about this class is that I'll end up becoming so analitical that I'll be as anal as Monk. This was the only class I had a hard time staying awake in. History is so boring to me. Still, at least I don't have to remember dates and people anymore. Maybe that will help me get into it better.

Okay, now for the real dirt. You know, the whole "who is the cutie that caught my eye" bit. I know you want to know. Well, there is one person that I am having my doubts about if he is straight or not. That guy's name is Coffee. Yes, Coffee. Like the drink? Yeah, he is a really cute looking skinny skater dude that apparently knows more people in the school than I do. I only found one person I knew from my past, Hugo Martinez. Talk about a pleasent surprise, huh? Anyway, I like Coffee (the guy, not the drink), but I'm going to take it slow. I still think he is straight, who knows, right? After all, the UK did say that gay men do excell in the feild of art. Other than that, I don't think I stand a chance with the other male student body members.

I couldn't get my books today due to time. The Dean wasn't kidding about having the same amount of work as you do letchure time. I mean, it's only the first day and I'm already doing work! I'll sap my mother dry of all her money tomorrow once I find out what I need from my other two classes according to their syllabus compared to the list I found in the libaray... just to be safe and all. From what I heard from my classmates, I'm going to be spending at least $1,000 on the books alone!! One student, probibly an upper classman was all "You don't need that. Just bum it off someone else." At this stage in my life, unless you are teacher or my tutor, I'm not taking the advice of others.

I need to change the archiving on this blog to weekly again so that my English teacher doesn't have to filter through a month of blogs.

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