Thursday, September 05, 2002

This world has no place for dreams and fantasies. Dreams and wishes cannot pay the bills. There is no reason anymore to continue dreaming the impossible because it will never happen. Dreams will never come true. They said that Disneyland was built on a dream that everyone said wouldn't come ture. It was really built because Walt just had the money to do it. The world is no long rotating on it's axsis. The world revolves around money. Gone are the days when just a dream could get you somewhere. There is not place for dreams in this world. If dreams are wishes the heart makes, and if wishes provide the wisher and the dreamer with hope, then there is no hope anymore. So what's the point in hoping when there is nothing to place hope in? What's the point of dreaming impossible dreams? Why should we even bother to wish? None of it will ever come true. Without dreams and hopes, there is no direction. Without direction, there is no pupose in life anymore.

How ironic that the more times I tell myself this the harder it is to stop dreaming.

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