Wednesday, September 04, 2002

After a failed job hunt due to the fact that the only positions I found on the internet were the ones I'm not qualified for, I opted to get my mind off of things by watching TV. Didn't help. I channel surfed onto a Bo Flex ad and started thinking of James. That's when I decided to invade my parents' room and watch the "Contact" DVD we have with Jody Foster's audio commentary.

The opening hour of her commentary was interesting. She said that before she filmed "Little Man Tate" that she read a book about child prodogies and how they are the victems of society. She said that some of the world's greatest minds, the child prodogies, were the ones that were so driven and different that society tends to exclude them from the rest of the world because they think 2 + 2 = 5. They dare to dream of things and foolishly believe them whole heartedly while the world says they will never be. And in most events, the most difficult time for any prodogy are the years before they turn 25 years old. That's when they take all their stupid risks because they believe in something the world thinks is stupid to belive in. The time when the world says they are wrong for believing that 2 + 2 = 5. She said that all too often, they must make a choice. The choice between the dreams and ideals and the society they respect and love or the truth. Naturally, they have to pick the truth which ultimately leaves them alone. Prodogies are, what Jody Foster says, always isolated from society because of their passion to believe in the impossible.

I'm not saying I'm a prodogy or that I excell in anything that makes me believe in the impossible, but if I am, it sure would explain alot about the past events in my life.

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