Saturday, September 14, 2002

Bill is okay. He just scared himself to the point of passing out. Kind of like how some people get so excited that they pass out due to ecstasy? Sure, the shadow thing is weird, but what can you expect on Friday the 13th? A power outage? Hey, that's what happened when I was talking to Sam tonight.

A question came to my mind after spending an hour at Am I a Twink or NOT?.

How long can the normal power outage last? More or less than six hours? I mean, I'm aware that there are those cases where natural disasters can prevent power from getting to neighborhoods at a time for days, but what about just a normal power surge or even your average savere thunder and lightning storm?

Today is just a weird day. I mean, tonight was the fourth night where the first thing I see on Disney when I turn to it is Erik von Detten.

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