Wednesday, September 25, 2002

I would like to go on record and say the following:

Fighting is stupid. There is no reason to fight. Fighting solves nothing. Fighting only leads to suffering and suffering leads to more fighting. (Damn, I almost sounded like Yoda for a second.) I don't understand why most people as soon as they find a reason to do so go in with their fists balled, guns locked and loaded, and missles locked. There are other ways of solving a problem rather than fighting it straight out. That's like saying you shoot first before you ask questions to the bank robber as to who his accomplice was that escaped. It doesn't makes sense to go all gun-ho into situations that you don't like just because you have a problem with it. If people would just get past the rage of wanted to deck the shit out of someone, they would see there are other ways to solve the disargeement. On top of that, if they get past the rage, they may even see that what they are fighting for is stupid! Yes, there are good reasons to fight, but the majority of them are dumb ones. People think they can do anything and own everything. No one can do either, and those that think they can are only fooling themselves. These are the ones that are so itchy to push the big red war button. These are the ones that think fighting and wars will lead to peace. Peace must be earned! Wars will not lead to peace as they only lead to more wars. This peace that is gotten after a war is nothing more but a false illusion. True peace can never be gotten from fighting! Fighting solves nothing! Fighting is stupid. There are other ways to settle disputes.

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