Wednesday, September 04, 2002

I didn't tell my father what was up. I told my mother instead. Too depressed to face my father. Mom could tell, so she tried to cheer me up by taking me to Steak 'N Shake for lunch. I turned down the offer. Steakburgers and the froatiest shake can't cheer me up. Hell, I think nothing short of an all out expenses paid trip to Disney World could cheer me up.

I spent the rest of the morning wading in the bathtub that doesn't have a drain plug. I used a towel to block it. I tried to kill all my little bubbles and thought clouds of dreams and fantaties. Let me just say that trying to do that is like trying to remove the Earth's core. It's possible, but who in their right mind would do it. There's at least one little fantasy world still floating in my head somewhere keeping me from sufficating myself... or so was the case at least last night.

I'll unpack later when I get motivated enough to get rid of all the crap that is in my area. I have alot of junk all over the place. Bags, toys that don't work any more, clothes that don't fit me any more, papers just asking to be recycled. Things of that nature. You know, all the donatibles.

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