Friday, May 07, 2004

Tycoon I Am Not

Last blog about the game I bought. I swear!

Okay, so I started playing again, this time I made sure the cheat code was off. I did my best to try to figure out a way to make a decent school that would at least show a profit as well as educate the enrolled student population.

Turns out this game's biggest downfall is the upgrade tree and it's structure. While other games like Zoo Tycoon and even Roller Coast Tycoon have an upgrade system, they at least make all the items available for purchase at the beginning. Not is the case with School Tycoon. Like I said in my review, you have to have this, that, and the other to open the best item possible. The only problem with that is you tend to take up more space than you really need to. This can be solved with the move button, but I find myself selling the item I don't need to replace it entirely. When I do that, apparently the game acts like I didn't build the damn level 1 building and locks back up the next level of that upgrade! Talk about frustrating. It's like going to MacDonald's to order a Big Mac thinking that fries and a drink are a given only to find out they aren't because you order your burger with no onions or something stupid like that.

Seems kind of stupid that I'm getting worked up over a video game, doesn't it?

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