Friday, May 14, 2004

Religion and Politics - I don't get it!

Just a few minutes ago, I caught a slight news blip about how a priest is warning voters not to vote for one of the two front runner candidates for President because they are not Christian/Catholic/whatever. Something about not having Communion. I didn't catch who they were talking about, but I have this odd feeling it's John Kerry.

I don't understand something. Isn't there suppose to be a separation of church and state in this country? This isn't the first time I've asked this question. I mean, back when gay marriages was in the news in full force, I asked that same question. Still, why does it still matter even now?

So what if so-and-so didn't have Communion? Hell, I'm not even a confirmed Catholic! So what if the Bible says this, that, and the other about whatever? It's a book that has been mistranslated several hundreds-upon-millions of times since it was first written!

On top of that, not everyone in this country believes in God. There was a sign I saw way back when that 10 Commandment statue was up saying something to the affect of "If you don't believe in God, you shouldn't be living in America." Well, if that's the case, I'd like to request deportation to some other country that doesn't care what I believe. Australia seems laid back enough for me. Hey, and while you're at it, why don't you talk to that guy from Dayton, Tennessee and get his little "Deport the Gays" bill passed! That would give me two reasons to leave the country as well as shoot America in the foot as far as labor goes. Oh, sure, they could always fix it with something like making it legal for Mexicans with work visa to stay in the country to work and all that stuff. Make it more attractive and more appealing, if you will. Hey, they could also do that for the Canadians, although knowing them, they probably won't take up the offer. After all, they have free hospitals last I checked. Here, if you so much as get checked in for heavy breathing and passing out, they charge you an arm and a leg. I should know; that was what happened to me when I was a freshman in High School.

Back on subject.

When you think about it, what does politics and religion have to do with each other? Nothing. If it did, we wouldn't have any politicians whatsoever! Why? Well, they are all liars! For the most part, they say what the public wants to hear and they then they try to do their best to keep their word, but you know that Senator is never going to pass that bill to help lower shootings for a neighborhood in his district, and that Congresswoman isn't going to make teacher pays any better. At least, not at the expense of her own pay check. They are all a bunch of lairs as far as I am concern. There are no honest politicians. I don't think there ever was. If religion has any part in politics, then I say we should smite all the liars in the political area and display their heads on pikes leading into the capital with the warning "Politicians, you have been warned."

What one believes in has no place in the political area. If I had to choose between a religious, old, backwards, white guy and a non-religious, honest, black woman that could get with the times and see all the idiots around her, I'm voting for the "sista."

1 comment:

Delice said...

Everything we all do, everything everyperson is impassioned by stems from what they either do believe or dont believe. You will never get away from that in any circle, not just politics. every decision you or I make in our own life is based on a belief system.