Saturday, May 01, 2004

Last Love Interest Officially Gone

Leo met someone while eating out. A really hot waiter. Asian. Got his number with the check. Kind of sounds like something out of a movie, doesn't it?

To be honest, I knew this day would happen eventually as long as I remained being nothing more but an online identity to those that I talk to. I knew that eventually he would run into someone that I know I cannot compete with. It happened with Andrew; it happened with James; there's no reason why it couldn't happen with Leo.

So I guess this is it. No more feeling like my heart should go to someone I feel is perfect for me. I guess I'll be forever living day by day with nothing more than lustful fantasies that last shorter than most one-night stands. Chances are slim I'll ever get lucky and be able to find that hot blond Adonis I've always wanted any time soon.

Oh well. I've grown numb to the disappointment. The stinging feeling in my heart is still there, but I've grown used to it now.

Guess I'm going to die alone after all now.

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