Sunday, May 23, 2004

Boredom and Lack of Interest - Never Good

While bumping a friend's quest on Gaia, I talked to an old friend who lives about 12 time zones away in the Asian Island. We talked about Neopets and eventually got on the subject of RuneScape. Apparently, they changed their interface the graphics, so I decided to check it out.

I felt so lost, it was as if I was a new player again. I was somewhat familiar with the old version of the online game, but this new version threw me for a loop and a half. My friend brought me back up to speed as to what is going on, and I found a new reason why I should not ever play the game again. I think it had to do with the fact that ten players can gang up on one target.

Quite honestly, my attention span and interests in things are starting to lack. I find myself easily bored now instead of easily entertained. I guess it comes with the other. A Ying to a Yang.

Looking back at it, however, I can't help but question as to why this is the case. I want to think that it is because I am now unable to keep up with the gaming world as well as the technology that is being produced. It's bad enough that I'm still playing Pokemon, albeit off and on. Gaia's social interactions are the only thing that keep my gaming interest going.

Maybe this is a sign that I'm growing up and that I need to become an adult. You know, actually do something with my life instead of play games and chat on message boards. Or maybe the consumer world out there really does suck thanks in part to the economy. Or maybe I'm just simply evolving like a good creature of this world should. Who knows? I sure don't.

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