Monday, May 10, 2004

Dreams of Fear

Another dream about elevators, only this time, no one died.

I'm in the elevator trying to get to the lobby when someone I seem to know comes in with me and starts talking to me. He then stops the elevator and starts pouring his heart out to me. The thing is, I don't hear a word of what he says because I'm too preoccupied with how the elevator size is shrinking. Claustrophobia kicks into high gear and I start to panic. I reach over and restart the elevator bolting out as soon as the doors open to whatever floor it may be.

Is this a dream saying that I'm afraid of commitment and/or monogamy? Maybe it's just confirming the fact that I think I can't close to people without hurting them (hence how he had to stop the elevator in order to talk to me on a personal level). I wish someone like Freud was still around.

Then again, scratch that. I know my dream isn't about penises.

1 comment:

S said...

Testing this commenting system.

By the way, interpreting dreams is like playing with a ouija board. You can come up with all sorts of interesting things, but it's all self-induced bullshit in the end.