Saturday, May 22, 2004

God and Politicians

Because I have this weird habit of always doing what my sister wants, at least most of the time, I went to church today with the rest of the family. The only real reason was because we were having Mexican at some new restaurant.

I did my usual thinking I always do when I'm at mass. I think about what they are reading/saying/preaching, playing devil's advocate on the side. Mass rarely ever gets my attention, but today was an exception. And not in a good way, I might add.

When it came time to say our prayers to God as the collective cult that we are, one of the prayers was for the politicians of our country. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, the church, at least the one my family goes to, is praying that politicians will eventually see the ways of Jesus's teachings to help guide their political choices.

Now, ask yourself one question. Why would the church pray for that?

Answer? Gay marriages. At least, that's the best I could come up with.

From that point in the mass on, I kept thinking about that one line out of the thousands said during that hour. It boiled and baked in the oven that is my brain. I ended up writing a short story in my head about it. That's when I came to the realization that I needed another blog, one for all my short stories that come up out of rare creative explosions, such as my Christmas tale.

I'd like to close this post by saying one thing about what I heard today in church.

Separation of church and state never existed, and it never will in this country.

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