Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I talked to Dan last night about getting out of here. I can't stand the pressure of having my parents constantly telling me to apply when I don't want to right now. Dan, in his little way, convinced me to just go ahead. If I do get accepted, it would be less paperwork later, or something to that affect. That was probibly the only shining moment last night on IMs. Every other thing I said last night came out stupid. I wasn't really all that up to talking and fought back alot of my demons.

Today, I woke up hungry, but I didn't eat. I went straight to the laptop and worked on the damned admissions essay. The site that I found earlier had died, so I was in the dark when writing it. The only thing I remember from that tip page was to take a rest after writing it and then reread it when you wake up. It helped some, but not much. Still, given all the blogs I have put into this thing, It was better than my half-assed on to DigiPen. The only things left now is to get my referances, the date of my ACT testing as well as my score, and the grades on my transcript. The $35 can come from my mother.

Also, for all those so-to-be college students out there that want to apply for finacial aid but don't already have a scholorship to the school you want to go to? Don't apply for finacial aid until you are accepted. If you do apply prematurely, you'll look like you're full of shit.

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