Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Interesting. Very interesting.

I got into a conversation with Russ about the concept of love and compation.

It turns out that we are all living a lie. No one really loves anyone! No one really cares for anyone! They may say they do, but in reality they don't give a damn about you. They are in it all for themselves. Even the Red Cross is out there not for charity as we may see it. In fact, the sad truth is everyone is really out there for one reason only. Money. Yes, the subject matter I hate to talk about. Bottom line is that no one loves or cares for people because people now care and love money! Those that claim they care most of the time have an alterior motive, mostly personal gain. As a result, they are living a lie. We all are living a lie! So what's the point of charity? Well, the point of charity isn't to give someone that's homeless a bath but to make us feel better about ourselves. We don't really care if the drug addict down the street on the cornor of a dark alley has a bed to sleep in. Hell, we don't even care if the hitchhiker down the road is going the same direction as we are! Why? Cause there is no such thing as love. On top of that, since no one cares, then we truely have no friends. Friends are suppose to be the people that care about you and will be there for you. But guess what? They aren't. They are just there to ride your coat tails in hope that they can exploit you somehow. In fact, they may not even be your friends at all! What do they know about you that would make them friends any how? So since we have no friends, no one to love us or care for us, then do we truely know what love and caring is? Maybe back in the hippie days, but certainly not now. Even the old Christian way of thinking has turned from Forgive and Forget to I'll forget about it if you don't do it again and just tolerate you for now! No one knows how to truely forgive anymore because no one cares and is that toralable! Even an act of God can't save humanity from this! Wars would be fought if there was a famin just over a loaf of bread! No one truely cares or loves anyone!

However, there is a little bit of hope. There are people out there that don't have alterior motives. There are people out there that when they say they care they mean it. There are people out there that when they say that they are your friend they are untill the end no matter how bad you mess up. Unfortunately, there aren't that many people out there that are like that if any at all.

So we are destine to be alone and die a death not knowing what love is.

Humanity is lost.

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