Thursday, February 20, 2003

I don't know what to believe now.

Okay, so maybe it's nothing, and it more than likely is, but I've had conflicting reports as to how to use what codes for which Pokemon game on the Gameshark. One place is saying that in order to get Mew, I have to sacrifice my first slot Pokemon while another places says I can catch it in the wild.

The only thing I do know is this. I should keep the Gameshark OFF while the game is loading from saved data. After the data is loaded, then I can turn ON the Gameshark. After I've used it for what I want to do, I have to turn is back OFF before saving the game. This is to prevent any kind damage, or worst deletion, of the saved game on the cartrage.

Man, it's learning things like this that make me wish Nintendo knew how to promote their games better giving everyone a chance to get Mew and Celebi.

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