Thursday, February 13, 2003

I might as well publish this.

I talked to Andrew to see if what I thought my dream meant was real. Sure enough, it was. Just like how Andrew wanted to go surfing and not spend time with me like what was originally going to happen in the dream, Andrew clearly said to me that he may not have time to be my friend ever again. He has a life. He's married. He's got so many good things going for him.

I'm really going to miss him a hell of a lot. He was a great friend. Saying good-bye to him is something that I really didn't want to do.

Anyways, like I said before, I've been holding out on publishing my blogs for a while now. The reason is because the blog that used to dawn the homepage of this site was for someone to read. Someone that probibly will never read my blog again. Someone really special to me. Someone really important to me. Someone that I pissed off. Someone that won't forgive me.

So, for all those out there in cyberspace that actually read this piece of shit, if you want to catch up on the stuff that's happend since my last publication, go to the archives! I'm sure you'll find it... stupid. I don't mean I'm calling you stupid. I am merely saying that the past blogs, just like this whole site, is stupid.

Why I keep it? I don't know. I claim it's for my mental health.

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