Monday, April 05, 2004

A Dollar Short And Just As Confused

No sooner when I finished my last blog did Aaron walk in. This is a different Aaron than the one I mentioned a long time ago in my blog. This Aaron is a really cute, kind of preppie, hot blond that just so happens to be in my history class. For a while, I've been trying to determine if he is gay or not, and it doesn't look like it. However, there are a few things that may suggest that he is in the closet and doesn't like being outed. While making casual conversation with him, I noticed several fluxes in his voice as well as how often he smiled. Posture was also sending off pings on the gay-dar. The thing is, Christina, who works pretty much side-by-side with Aaron, says that he probably isn't. I'm thinking he is just metrosexual.

To be quiet honest, I really don't know, but I sure as hell would like to know.

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