Thursday, April 01, 2004

And so it begins...

Imagine my surprise when I learn that not only does the DVD that I ordered not work on any of the computers, but also does not work on my parent's DVD set-top player. That means that the entire last 4 hours that I have gone through taking notes and things I had to do it in my aunt's room on her DVD player since that is the only one that will even play the DVD! Stupid, huh?

In any event, I have all the notes that I need from that DVD, so now if I want to watch it ever again, it will probably be for pleasure rather than for informational research. Tomorrow I plan on reading the four books my teacher let me borrow in hope for finding more content. I hope to find enough information to help me organize my text some for the actual writing portion of the paper I hope to do Saturday.

For now, though, I'm taking a break and calling it a day. I don't want to overwork myself to the point where I'm stressed out. At the same time, I don't want to cause my work to get piled up on me simply because I ended up falling into the Deadly Sin of sloth.

Here's hoping that my time management skills have improved.

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