Monday, January 10, 2005

Back to Class

I'm seeing the other side of a coin I got too used to seeing one face of. It's odd how something as little as an hour can change how a day ends and starts. For the past three weeks I have been staying up until 02:00 chatting away with David or playing online games or looking at porn only to wake up at 09:00 or 10:00. Yesterday, I went to bed at 22:00 and woke up at 04:00. Tonight, I'll go to bed at the same time and wake up a little later because my first class isn't until 11:15.

Today and tomorrow are nothing but preparation dates in which we will go to our classes and told what we need and don't need. Yet for some reason I don't feel prepared at all. I don't mean because I don't have many sheets of paper or a sharp pencil to write with. I mean in general.

I have a little over $200 in my wallet, all of which will go towards my photo studio class this semester. I have enough buffer money in the back to help me get whatever else I cannot afford. I don't have to worry about being on time because my mother changed her work schedule just for me (but I still wish she at least TOLD me instead of waiting until I got all worried about it on the car ride back from Virginia). Pencil and paper are not really needed today seeing how it's mostly a general rundown as to what the class is about.

So what am I so worried about? What do I feel I'm not prepared for?

The answer is the other students.

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