Friday, June 20, 2003

Isn't it funny how one minute you can be on the top of the world and then the next you are at rock bottom? Why is that? Someone always has to knock you down. Some may say that it is because you let them knock you down. Others may say it is because they are right and you are wrong even though you were right for just a few seconds. Still others would say that they are more deserving than you are.

Whatever the case may be, it still will always happen. Even though you may claim you are the best in the world, there is always someone better than you. I've learned that a long time again. And like the other lessons before that, the hard way too.

Last night, I pretty much saved Jack from being sent off to be with his mother after pissing off Dan. I actually made Dan feel like shit, if you want to look at it in another light. See, Jack isn't like the normal boys out there. Of course, who am I to say what is normal to begin with since I'm so different it's pathetic. Anyway, the way he's been raise is as if he is being groomed since he was old enough to walk for something great.... which he is, but since he was young he always had to make his bed, eat a certain kind of breakfast, and, in general, be an adult in a child's body. Now, just recently, Jack's been putting off fixing his bed, eating cereal instead of a balanced organic breakfast, and putting off things that he doesn't deem important. Just like any other regular American boy. That was Dan's original job. He succeeded. He was just blind to it and thought Jack was pulling off the same old shit that he used to do whenever he doesn't do what he's told. What regular boy does what he is told the first time? Even I have to be told half the time another two or three times before I actually get up and do something. Half the time it is because I don't hear what they are saying to me. Jack has become a regular boy. And it took this regular boy to tell the person that was trying to get Jack there this? How ironic.

My little proud moment of last night.

The rest of the night, I don't want to remember. I will say this. Andrew was right. I don't have a plan.

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