Friday, June 13, 2003

Ever been labeled something you never said you were only to be blamed for fooling the other person because they thought that you are something that you are not? It's more than likely their fault for thinking you were something you never said you were, right? What if you came off like how the person thought you were but never meant to fool them or trick them into thinking that you are something you're not? Who's really at fault? The other person, right? Did you purposely mean to fool them? No, you're the innocent one.

So what's the deal with all these mislabeling? Why do we even have labels to begin with for people? Labels as far as I'm concern should be for food and clothing and toys. Not people. To label people would be to put them into a catagory that could be easy to water down or ignore altogether. That's why some people are the way they are today. That's why some people still say "black" or "white" or "striaght" or "gay." We're putting labels on things that really shouldn't have labels nor should really matter. So what if someone is a different skin tone than you are? So what if someone is a different gender than you are? So what if someone doesn't follow your beliefs? Why do you need to label that person? Who gave you the right?

I've been on both sides of the coin on this subject. Neither side is better than the other. With the labeling comes alot of things, like anger for being called something you're no matter how many times you say you are not. Being the one that labels people only shows your ignorances in whatever it is that even possessed you to label someone. So why don't we just retact all the labels? We can't. We never will untill we can see pass our own faults and flaws and stop thinking that we are better than everyone else. I have.

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