Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Late Night Thunderstorm

Yet again, I had another restless night, but it wasn't because of my own psychy. No, it was thanks in part to a thunderstorm that just came out of nowhere!

After staying up and actually watching X-Play for the first times since I watched the Tokyo Gaming Show 2004 episode, I tried to go to sleep with a clear head. Clear meaning I was stupifided by the television.

I didn't even bother to check the clock, but thunder woke me up. Normally, that wouldn't happen if I'm sound asleep, which I have been since I noticed my naps were lasting four hours long. The lightning strikes must be really close, however. I woke up feeling like bombs where exploding overhead. The windows rattled, the door hindges creaked, even my walls vibrated! This rarely happens (with the exception of those late night joy-riders with the system in their car that went out with the last century).

In any event, I'm tired and is unable to concentraite. Thankfully, my World Mythology class has been canceled for tomorrow due to SBOS (Student Burn Out Syndrome).

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