Monday, October 11, 2004

Here's Hoping

Today is the first day of two in which students can submit pieces of art to be judged for the student gallery. The winners of the jurying will be displayed as well as given prize money for the best of show.

I entered two peices this year. One of which I believe has a better chance of getting in than the other.

The wax piece I've been doing over the weekend came out rather nicely, and everyone that I have shown it to has given a positive response to it. The mask pretty much went unnoticed. I think I know which of the ones may win and which of the ones I'll end up taking home. Kind of funny how the one piece I want to put on sale (mostly because I'm sick of seeing it) is getting the most reaction. That's a good thing.

I still haven't got in yet, but the positive reaction from the students is proving good to my lack of self-esteem. If I don't get in, there's always next year.

If I do get in, I'm inviting David, Bill, Dan, and anyone else I talk to to come on down to the reception/award ceremony. If anyone else wants to come along, I'll be sure to post further information here. Just make a note in the comments area.

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