Thursday, October 21, 2004

Is It Art?

That was the tag line of the opening news report for the six o'clock news just before I began blogging about this event to keep a record of my views as well as inform those of you that visit here what is going on outside of what the press has said.

I first walked into the school and saw flyers up for a town hall meeting in the theatre. I immediately went in and joined the discussion as an observer. I did so strictly because of the fact that I wouldn't have anything to say having not been there since the start of the discussion.

The Town Hall meeting didn't accomplish anything. We pretty much agreed that the warning sign was hypocritical for the masturbation piece, titled "Males in Ecstasy," being covered. We also agreed on the fact that putting a cover over the piece would make it seem like the artist intent was to produce pornographic material, which wasn't the case.

Interestingly enough, we learned that the conservative Southern Senior Citizen that fund the school are very supportive of the schools idea of freedom of expression, as well as the rejection show. Notice how they said nothing about the pieces themselves. They have seen all of the pieces, from what I've been told.

This is all I heard at the town meeting having come in as late as I did.

The press came by, having caught wind of the news. Yesterday's reporter got his story on the front page of the paper, and copies were being handed out for everyone to read and review. My English class was pretty much thrown out the window thanks to the article.

The article itself concentrated more on the beheading video, titled "Fearful Symmetry," than on the other piece for about 50% of the article. Also, littered throughout the article were little blips here and there about the person featured in the piece that gets beheaded. Remember this, because it will be key later.

While my class was in the gallery doing some work for English, Channel 2 News came in and began filming some stock footage of the gallery to use for their news report. I had a feeling I was going to be in the news. I was standing and my head was able to block out another male nude piece that the camera was filming. Nice to know that I just happened to be able to censor something that wasn't and I think shouldn't be.

Upon leaving Clay, I learned something shocking happened. News traveled like wild fire and reached the family of the person who was beheaded in "Fearful Symmetry." From what I was told, they called their lawyers and threaten to sue the school. No doubt their reason was that it was disrespectful to their family member. To prevent blowing this out of the water, the school pulled the piece out before it was ever finished being installed into a closed-off room for people to view privately. Needless to say, the artist is not happy by this reaction. Remember, this piece won "Best of Show" by the jury panel.

The Best of Show won't be shown.

"Males in Ecstasy" was moved to another room entirely. It was uncovered, but now you have to hunt for it.

I learned that "Males in Ecstasy" has been moved into the Administration Hall where they keep the Purchase Award Winners the school has collected over the years.

Channel 2 opened their broadcast with this story first. I didn't make any air time.

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