Saturday, October 09, 2004

Four Hour Naps?

This is the second day in my weekend so far where I have taken a four hour nap with the intention of napping for only two hours. Why? Am I becoming that sleep deprived as of late or am I becoming that stressed out over things?

Today, I found myself sweating over a drawing. Over a drawing! I don't remember ever doing that in my lifetime. I don't remember getting so worked up over a drawing before that, in its very creation, is nothing more than a test at an old idea.

Unfortunately, I cannot get that idea to work. At least in the background.

The other day, I told David about my pieces that I will be putting into the Student Gallery. I've been getting several "Good luck" wishes from everyone. It's going to be hard to impress the judges of professional artists from the local scene. That's the only way I'll ever get in.

Our conversations then suddenly took a rather unusual turn. David pretty much asked me out on a date. Well, not really a date, but a fun date. Something I qualify as a get-together. It was only yesterday that I found out that he intends on bringing me to him in Boston. Hey, if my English teacher can go to New York for a weekend, I don't see why I can't do something similar.

I need a vacation. I mean, really badly. It's mid-term, so from here on out, my classes are going to be all about making deadlines and the line. My World Mythology class teacher already is planning on pushing back a class one day because everyone is so burned out. Wish that was the case of the other classes. I could use a free weekend, preferable one that would nicely fall into when David is suppose to pick me up to go to Boston.

Crap. Just jynxed it by mentioning it. Oh well, I can still dream... during my four hour naps, no less.

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