Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Well, this is interesting. It would appear we got press attention faster than I originally thought. Unfortunately, it is with a reporter that is more interested in controversy rather than art itself.

Basically, from what I have discovered, a reporter from The Tennessean was here just after my last blog asking the head of the Fine Arts department questions about the gallery and the piece in question. Frankly, I wish I could call the piece by title, but since the gallery is locked up, I cannot go in to find out what the title of the piece is.

Rumor has it that this reporter is suppose to be the art critic for the local newspaper, but he never reviewed our faculty gallery or last year's student show. The only reason he came is because someone said the teachers here were "forcing us to produce pornographic material as art." That's bullshit. The article itself will probably be bullshit as well, with such a negative spin on the issue that might as well rival all those damn political commercials I've been seeing.

In any event, there is a tentative meeting tomorrow involving the gallery and what to do about it. If the meeting happens during my English class, my teacher has already informed me she will personally pull our class out and into the room where the meeting is held. This is the one change for us to actually voice our thoughts about what is going on and why it is ridiculous to cover up one piece when there are three other nude pieces around it, each showing either an very idealized ass, a playful penis, or a raw chicken that looks like a vagina.

All this over a penis.

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