Friday, December 03, 2004

Movie Trivia # 005: He Knocked the Polka Dots Right Off His Tie

Humphrey Bogart backhands Peter Lorre in The Maltese Falcon (1941). When Lorre's head snaps left, he's wearing a polka-dot bow tie. When it snaps back to the right, he's wearing a striped one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man, Jishin here. (: I don't have an account, so it's "post anonymously" for me.

Damn, now I'll have to watch that movie again. Oh darn. *hauls out CD*

Didja know they shot chunks of Citizen Kane's Xanadu at Balboa Park in San Diego? That's the old San Diego Zoo in there, and a lot of our museums. (: