Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Mom's Loosing It

On the car ride home from school, an unknown and possibly non-existent conversation was brought up about having identified some actor on a TV Christmas movie last week as one of the teachers in the Harry Potter movies. It occurred when I apparently came into my mom's room while she was watching this movie. Then and there, I identified the actor in his more memorable role.

At first I thought she was talking about the actor who plays Snapes, who my sister and I found out was in Dogma, but my mom said that this conversation happened last week.

Last week after I finished studying for everything, I was sick and never went up to their room the entire weekend. I spent it downstairs on the computer because it was the warmest and most comfortable place down here, seeing as how my room doesn't have good heating. Apparently that slipped her mind and was replaced with this little moment that never really happened. She claims I forgot the whole thing and that it did happen.

I'm no shrink, but this event does sound familiar to a short story we read in English this semester. In it, a mother constantly is telling stories that never really happened to make up for one thing or another that causes an insecurity in her. I think my mom is starting to realize that she doesn't know me or spend the same amount of time with me as she does with my sister.

I say it's about damn time she realized this.

On "Black Friday" when I posted my Christmas list, we went shopping for my sister's laptop she was required to get for a math class. My mother knew I wasn't happen about seeing this due to the fact that she still owes me a new computer. I'm getting my sister's old desktop as a hand-me-down. This computer that I'm on right now is the "family" computer. Anyway, seeing as how I'm as obvious as a billboard to a pedestrian, my mom took me to Sam's Club and wanted to know if I wanted a PS2. I turned it down. Why? I knew she was only buying it to shut me up. She gave this away when she said that if she gets this, not only will I have to front some cash for it, but I won't have any Christmas gifts either. I hate when she says things like these around this time of year, but this time it sent up red flags telling me she was treating me like a crying child that will always shut up once he gets a Happy Meal from McDonald's. I wasn't going to let her win. I pointed out what I would like, but when she asked if I would like it, I turned it down on purpose. Trust me, it was very hard to do.

I hope what I did then brought up this "memory" that was told today. If so, I consider it a good sign. Maybe now she will realize that I'm not happy with the way she has been recently treating me compared to how they treat my sister.

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